Certified Cost Professional (CCP)
in Value Methodology Fundamentals 1About this course
This course is a preparation course for the CCP certificate. This
certificate is specialized in Cost Engineering and is provided by AACE
(Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering).
The course provides explanation for the "skills & knowledge"
book, which is the standard book to study CCP. It contains 34 chapters,
which are covered in this course. The course also covers the
requirements of the technical paper, which is one of the eligibility
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In this lesson you will learn:What Linux is and Brief history of Linux
In this lesson you will learn about the Linux directory structure. You'll learn where different components of the operating system are located. You'll also learn how applications can employ the same conventions for their directory structures.
In this lesson you will learn various commands that can be used to view files as well as how to use the nano text editor.
This lesson will cover how to delete, copy, move, and rename files in Linux.
In this lesson you will learn how to display information about running programs and processes. You will also learn how to control the behavior of processes, including running processes in the background and terminating processes.
Quiz & Certificates

Reviews (1)